11th & 12th Dec
18th & 19th Dec
Aymen Sellaouti
Nest.js the trendy Node.js Framework.
11/12/2021 from 07:45 pm to 09:05 pm (Tunisia Time Zone)
About the speakers
Aymen Sellaouti
Teacher at INSAT
He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science since January 2014 from the University of Strasbourg and the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis. He has been teaching at INSAT since 2013. Also, He is a consultant, doing professional training for 4 years on Symfony Angular and Nest.js and a content creator, co-creator of the Techwall YT channel. He coached the INSAT problem-solving teams where they won the last 4 TCPCs by participating in the ACPC and being the first Tunisian team to participate in the ICPC.
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